
Top five platforms to share knowledge 2020

Looking to start a blog but can’t find the blogging software/ platform to fulfill your needs to assist in knowledge sharing? The following article will highlight the top five blogging platforms suited to give you the best blogging experience along with the pros and cons of each. The first platform on our list is […]


Why digital marketing must evolve to meet the demands of future business

Digital marketing is a plan of action to advertise any product or service online. Or in other words, we can say that we are promoting and marketing our goods to people who have access to the internet. The boom on the internet has given birth to a completely new age of digital marketing. According to […]


Collaboration – Essential for future problem solving?

Collaboration, remote collaboration to be specific, is the need of the day. The globalization in the last few decades has brought the world together. It has also globalized the problems faced by us. Our struggles are not limited to our area, country, or region anymore. We are now part of a much bigger and extensive […]


How Machine Learning Will Change Digital Marketing

Machine learning and data science both have significant parts to play in the future of digital marketing. But what does this mean for marketers? As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes commonplace in advertising, it’s important for marketers to get ahead of the curve by learning to harness machine learning (ML). Let’s look closer at the predicted […]